Tuesday, October 7, 2008
魔蟹座 无以伦比
秉持着 一年一张专辑 品质得以保有的观念
周董旋风 再次来袭
不同于以往的是 这次并没有引起狂风大浪
更可悲的专辑还未发行前一星期网上已有非法下载 (包括我在内)
这就是成名的代价 换作是二三线歌星 盗版商都懒得翻来卖
这张专辑 怎么说呢
还是很周杰伦 曲目还是很动听很赏心很特别
很简单 短短十年内 从杰伦到周董
名利双收 人财两得 朋友够多 亲友健在 健康良好
该拿的奖都拿了 人家奋斗一辈子都到不了的地位他都有了
开店做生意 拍电影当导演 事业重心开始转移
然而对于我 这并没什么不好 相反的这是个成功的象征
当钱对你来说不再是问题时 你唯一想做的是用钱买更多时间
做你想做的事 再来个无以伦比
很自然的你会想往别的领域发展 你会想要更多成就
借用伟大的心理学家Abraham Maslow 的人类需求层次金字塔的原理
之后是满足自我自尊自负 获得他人尊重
最后就是自我实现 这是最高层也是最难到的一层
想想 正因为是这些心理因素 我们人才会一直成长进步
买香蕉糕的小伙子 发奋读书 当了医生
权利荣耀民族国家英雄 一人之下 万人之上 才是他饥渴的
转攻政治 兜兜转转 当上一国之主
即使退了位 他还是对国家大事关心之切
再想想 就是因为他这些野心志愿欲望
致使他有今时今日的成就 一把年纪了还生龙活虎
水向低流 人却是往高处爬的
如果有天醒来 发现自己人生没有目标没有火
老马: 打不死铁人是我也 !!
回来杰伦这边 皆因他有火 所以他要更多
别误会 我并不是他歌迷 但不否认我有欣赏他
一个不泡夜店 孝顺敬老 不乱搞又有才华的年轻偶像实在难得
如果这态度维持不变的话 他至少可以再红多二十年
朋友 你有梦想吗?
借以上两人的故事 赶快为自己找一个吧 善哉善哉
杰伦 :它妈的, 还没出就给人盗 !吊!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
How many marks will u give to this article
how many marks will you give ??
Since my fake ABC housemate claimed that she don’t understand my blog
That’s how and why my first and unprecedented english blog been produced
There are many reasons why I have not been blogging in english all the while:
1st - too many rules in english, blogging in english make me a laughingstock for those who view my blogs (my grammatical foundation is weak ok).
2nd- Chinese-education guy like me find myself hardly to express my thoughts exactly with my “private limited ‘ english vocabulary stores in my tiny brain, say nothing of writing out those thought-provoking sentences.
3rd -It’s undeniable that English is international language for worldwide populations right now. However, China has come appear as a black horse in global economic atmosphere and other whatsoever fields. Thus, it won’t be exaggerated that if I say China is going to be the world no.1 country in the coming decade and chinese will be outpacing and replacing english as the first language for the world.
4th -Most of my friends are Chinese-education, blogging in chinese make them more comfortable while viewing my blogs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not underestimating their english comprehensive abilities but avoiding them from being irritated or impatient for seeing my improper way of using English. I believe that those who like english won’t even like to spend a minute watching me trampling the beauty of english vocabulary and phraseology.
5th -It has been quite a sarcastic and sardonic scene that most of Malaysians are speaking english out loud publicly in an attempt to showing off their capabilities of speaking multi-languages. However, one of my friends who studies medicine in Australia told me that they prefer speaking chinese to english over there may be just for maintaining their uniqueness or special identities in that fremd lands. It’s funny for those who try to foreignize themselves desperately while they are in their beloved motherland become so enthusiastic in speaking their mother tongues in all a sudden when they get abroad.
Back to here, people like me who used to speak chinese all the time will be labeled as “pretender” if I speak english or blog in english suddenly. However, this is not the main factor that I blog in chinese, I don’t really give a shit on how people look at me actually but sometime I do so just for minimizing some unnecessary misunderstanding and for conveniences only, that’s all..
After all these mumbles, there’s one thing I need to clarify that I’m not kind of anti-english person, I like english so much and I have been working my ass off in mastering this language for years(yet stil lousy), we all know very well on the advantages of capable of speaking multi-language in this highly competitive world. Therefore hopefully my first-run english blog will satisfy your appetites. I will be blogging alternately in chinese and english from now on. Although it might not as good as I blog in Chinese, I have taken a courageous step forward after all.
Will Chinese and English reach an equivalent status ??
In the end of this article, i would like to give a quotation from WongMingChee '语言没有标准性,只有地方性' in english it should be 'no standardization in language but only localization' is the translation correct?
Now the question is how many marks will you give to this article?
(Don’t need to be so mean and fastidious, just close one eye open one eye.. haha)
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